Credit Risk Analytics

Credit risk decisions are increasingly complex and leveraging data is essential to developing the best strategy. Our solutions bring in a rich, deep history of data beyond what is available internally or from any other source. We work collaboratively with our banks to develop customized analytic solutions focused specifically on their portfolio and how we can provide unique value.

Reduce credit losses

Gaining the full picture of customer behavior—how they spend, borrow, earn, and save—across all products helps you make better credit risk decisions.

How it works

Optimize authorization strategies

As consumer spending patterns and the credit risk environment change, maximizing consumer spend through the right transaction authorization strategy is becoming more important. Our solutions can help you understand the impact and ramifications of your decisions and develop new strategies to minimize losses while improving spend and retention.

Maximize collections efficiency

Understand your collections’ performance against the competition so you can identify where to focus your collections efforts, maximizing payment rates while minimizing costs.

Manage risk through best-in-class line management strategies

Leveraging our unique view into credit line, risk performance, and profitability across the industry, you can build optimal strategies to assign the most profitable credit line to each customer.

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Credit risk & fraud solution suite