Client Advisory

We offer guidance to financial institutions from experts that offer deep insights into your specific challenges and goals. We partner with you to implement the right solutions where it counts when it counts. While plenty of consulting and advisory firms set out to do this, we achieve this with an incredibly unique advantage: Access to the largest industry comparative financial data set and unmatched industry expertise.

Experts who know your business

We are experts in the banking and payments industry and have worked within the world’s largest financial institutions. Collectively, our business leaders have well over 200 years of experience and have managed the largest portfolios across the globe.

How it works

Our data is your data—and your advantage

Financial institutions are limited in how they can make decisions—they only have access to their own data and possibly an aggregated industry view. Either way, it’s a mere fraction of the data we have: 1.8 billion in account-level records, $1 trillion in assets, $3.5 trillion in consumer spending, and hundreds of models of consumer behavior. When you partner with us, we work together to harness the power of our data and unveil unique insights that resolve your most challenging business issues.

Actionable insights and recommendations

Our depth of data and knowledge of your business enables us to build out strategies that can be quickly and easily implemented in order to drive tangible value. We work with you throughout the process to ensure we are making a measurable impact on your business.

Evaluate customer engagement


Working with our issuers, we can evaluate customer engagement marketing programs to help you evaluate if your marketing efforts have had the desired impact on customer behavior, and if you have shifted share of wallet from other cards.

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Portfolio management solution suite